Kyzl Kum Desert, Central Asia - Eight explorers learn of a newly discovered
cave system and set out on an expedition to document it. Once inside two of
their guides are mysteriously killed, and when they try to escape, they
find their way out has been inexplicably sealed shut. They're trapped
inside - and the only way to go, is deeper into the cave. They embark on a
fight for their lives, hunted by an unknown presence, and threatened by
divisions from within their own ranks.
Regisseur: Olatunde Osunsanmi
Schauspieler: Sybil Temtchine, Mustafa Shakir
Genre/Thema: Horror Tonformat: english Bildformat: Widescreen
CCD: Closed Caption Decoded: Untertitel für Hörbehinderte Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: 15
Bestellnummer: CDR44922
Preis: 35.- CHF
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