Vanessa Rene, a business-savvy brunette is perhaps a bit too smart for her
own good. Her intuitive suspicions have all too often been both correct and
dangerous. Most recently, she has uncovered reasons to believe that her own
place of employment, Bookwald Industries, is meddling in some adverse
affairs. She has discovered links to the war in Gazth-Sonika in addition to
the highly covert intelligence organization known as Enfant. This time, she
may have dug too deep. Madlax may be her only hope.
Contains episodes 9-12 of the anime series.
Genre/Thema: Japanese Animation Tonformat: Dolby Surround: english Bildformat: Widescreen
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: 12
Bestellnummer: DMAD003
Preis: 31.- CHF
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