Carrossea Doon: Only he understand where his loyalties lie. On the one hand
he is a highly secretive employee for Bookwald, the largest corporation in
the world. On the other, he works in a clandestine manner for the
mysterious Friday Monday. Carrossea is a chameleon. He weaves in and out
and through not only the civil-war-torn Gazth-Sonika, but also some of the
most powerful and influential minds on the planet. And he does it all
because he is searching...
Contains episodes 13-16 of the anime series.
Genre/Thema: Japanese Animation Tonformat: Dolby Surround: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln Bildformat: Widescreen Untertitel: in der Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: 12
Bestellnummer: DMAD004
Preis: 36.- CHF
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