JEKYLL & HYDE (2005) (DVD)
A modern tale about an East Coast Medical School and Community Hospital,
wherein two young medical students, Henry 'J' Jekyll and Mary Glover begin
illicitly experimenting with the chemical makeup of ecstasy. Their aim is
nothing more than an adolescent attempt to create a drug that will adapt
and enhance their personalities and in doing so make them the popular and
successful people that they crave to be. When an early form of the drug
kills Mary, Jekyll keeps experimenting and adapting the drug until it
begins to take over his life, with horrific consequences.
Genre/Thema: Horror Tonformat: Dolby Surround: english  Bildformat: Widescreen
Ländercode: 2
Altersklasse: 18
Vertrieb: REVOLVER FILMS 1/6
Bestellnummer: REVD1984
Preis: 29.- CHF

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