The ICA Classics Legacy series presents a collection of historic performances by some of the world`s greates artists. These performances are released on DVD for the first time, incorporating rare archive footage that has been expertly and lovingly restored.
Celebrated for their performances of the Viennese Classics, the Amadeus Quartet`s core repertoire included all three works on this DVD, performed here with great warmth and exuberance by Norbert Brainin, Siegmund Nissel, Peter Schidlof and Martin Lovett. Having dominated the British chamber music scene for over forty years, the Amadeus Quartet was one of the most respected ensembles of the 20th century.
Genre/Thema: Musik, Klassik Tonformat: Mono: Afrikaans Bildformat: 4:3
Ländercode: 0
Altersklasse: 0
Vertrieb: Naxos Deutschland
Bestellnummer: jk360981
Laufzeit: ca. 75 Min.
Preis: 31.- CHF
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